Housing Request Form Welcome to Nebraska Wesleyan University! Every student must complete this form to inform us of your NWU housing preferences or to indicate plans to reside at home or off-campus with an approved exemption. Students requesting to live on-campus are encouraged to complete the information honestly and completely so that we can make the best housing placement possible. We hand select housing options for all new and incoming students based on the information you provide in this questionnaire. Visit the Living on Campus section to view residential facilities and community policies. Loading...StudentFirst nameMiddle nameLast nameMailing addressMailing addressCountryStreetCityRegionPostal CodeEmail addressBirthdateBirthdateJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031202520242023202220212020201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900Living ArrangementsTo learn more, please visit the Residency Policy.I will be enrollingI will be enrollingSpring 2025Fall 2025Please select the student type that best describes you:Please select the student type that best describes you:First YearTransferA first-year student has not previously attended a college or university and wishes to complete a traditional, full-time undergraduate degree program during the day. (Students may have earned credits from a dual-credit program or community college while concurrently enrolled in high school.)A transfer student previously attended a college and wishes to complete a traditional, full-time degree program during the day.I willI willLive on campusLive off campusLive off campusLive off campusLive at home (You must live with a parent/guardian within 30 miles of campus and have an approved Commuter Certification form on file with the Residential Education Office.)Live off campus because I will have turned 21 by the start of the academic yearLive off campus (not with a legal guardian) because I am marriedLive off campus (not with a legal guardian) because I have a dependent childLive off campus (not with a legal guardian) because I am an Active Duty service memberIf you feel like your current situation does not fit any of the categories listed, please contact the Residential Education Office.Housing PreferencesRoom assignment is based on the date your admission deposit is received. While we make every effort to honor your requests, housing preferences are not guaranteed. You may be assigned to any of these facilities and/or room types. Residential Education will use a student’s self-defined gender when making housing placements. Please note that while we will continue to honor housing location preferences as much as possible, opting in to a gender-open community and/or being approved for an ESA may take precedence in where we can best place you.Sex assigned at birthSex assigned at birthFemaleMalePronounshe/him/hisshe/her/hersthey/them/theirsIf you identify differently from your birth-assigned gender, or if you would like to share more about your gender identity, please share here (Optional)I would prefer aI would prefer aDouble RoomSingle RoomThe type of room (double/single) does not matter to meGender-Open Housing Residential Education provides “gender-open housing” meaning that two or more students may mutually agree to share a multiple-occupancy residence hall room, suite, apartment or townhouse unit, regardless of a student’s sex or gender. The purpose of this policy is to provide students an increased choice in selecting roommates based on whom they feel the most comfortable and safe with, regardless of gender, to support their various living needs. This gender-open housing policy supports the university’s non-discrimination policy with respect to gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. To learn more about this policy, please visit the gender open housing policy.Please note that within a gender-open community, some parts of the hall may have mixed-gendered rooms among traditionally-gendered and gender-open rooms. In traditional-gender communities, neighboring rooms will all be traditionally-gendered (students of the same gender in a living space).Only students who explicitly indicate on this form and via additional communication will be placed into a gender-open living arrangement.Please indicate your interest in living in a gender-open room/community below. Residential Education will personally contact all students who indicate interest via the provided phone number or email address to discuss their individual needs.Gender-open room/communityGender-open room/communityI am interested in a gender-open room and you can contact me at the phone number or email provided above.I am interested in living in a gender-open community (the room next to me might not be a traditionally-gendered room) and you can contact me at the phone number or email provided above.I am not interested in a gender-open housing option or community.Community Preference (please rank your top three choices): Room assignment is based on the date your admission deposit is received. We make every effort to honor your requests, however, housing preferences are not guaranteed. You may be assigned to any of these facilities. You can view the price of each facility here.Choice 1Centennial HallPioneer HallJohnson HallPlainsman HallChoice 2Centennial HallPioneer HallJohnson HallPlainsman HallChoice 3Centennial HallPioneer HallJohnson HallPlainsman HallCommunity Preference (please rank your top three choices): Room assignment is based on the date your admission deposit is received. We make every effort to honor your requests, however, housing preferences are not guaranteed. You may be assigned to any of these facilities. You can view the price of each facility here.Choice 1Centennial HallPioneer HallJohnson HallPlainsman HallChoice 2Centennial HallPioneer HallJohnson HallPlainsman HallChoice 3Centennial HallPioneer HallJohnson HallPlainsman Hall 2024-2025 Facility Pricing (per semester) Centennial Doubles $3,337Singles $3,646 Johnson $3,654 Pioneer $3,654 Plainsman $3,337 CloseCommunity Preference (please rank your top three choices): Room assignment is based on the date your admission deposit is received. We make every effort to honor your requests, however, housing preferences are not guaranteed. You may be assigned to any of these facilities. You can view the price of each facility here.Choice 1Centennial HallCampus ApartmentsHeim/White SuitesTownhouse VillageChoice 2Centennial HallCampus ApartmentsHeim/White SuitesTownhouse VillageChoice 3Centennial HallCampus ApartmentsHeim/White SuitesTownhouse VillageCommunity Preference (please rank your top three choices): Room assignment is based on the date your admission deposit is received. We make every effort to honor your requests, however, housing preferences are not guaranteed. You may be assigned to any of these facilities. You can view the price of each facility here.Choice 1Centennial HallCampus ApartmentsHeim/White SuitesTownhouse VillageChoice 2Centennial HallCampus ApartmentsHeim/White SuitesTownhouse VillageChoice 3Centennial HallCampus ApartmentsHeim/White SuitesTownhouse VillageI typically keep my living spaceI typically keep my living spaceClean and organizedNot organized/OK with clutterI’m somewhere in between these optionsI prefer to live with someone who is clean and organizedI prefer to live with someone who is clean and organizedYesNoDoesn’t matter to meI consider myselfI consider myselfAn early riserA night owlCould you live with someone who considers themselves a night owl?Could you live with someone who considers themselves a night owl?YesNoDoesn’t matter to meI hope that my room primarily will beI hope that my room primarily will beA quiet place to studyA gathering place for friendsI am a smokerI am a smokerYesNoAll residential facilities at Nebraska Wesleyan are smoke-free. Could you live with someone who chooses to smoke elsewhere?All residential facilities at Nebraska Wesleyan are smoke-free. Could you live with someone who chooses to smoke elsewhere?YesNoI would like the opportunity to live with an international student in Centennial HallI would like the opportunity to live with an international student in Centennial HallYesNoTell us about the type of interests or qualities you are hoping your roommate to have.What would you like your roommate to know about you?Admissions Show Room NWU provides prospective students and their guests the opportunity to see residence hall rooms as part of their campus visit. Residence hall “showrooms” are displayed for a few minutes during the campus tour. Tour groups may visit showrooms anytime between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Students whose rooms are selected as showrooms are credited $200 towards their tuition at the end of the academic year.Would you be willing to live in a room designated as a showroom?Would you be willing to live in a room designated as a showroom?YesNoLiving with an Emotional Support Animal Some of our residents have been approved by our Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities to have an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) live within their residence hall room. While the type of approved animal can vary, the most common ESA in our buildings are cats. Please indicate your willingness to live with a student that has an approved ESA below:Emotional support animalEmotional support animalYes, I would be interested in living with a roommate who has an approved emotional support animal.No, I would not be interested in living with a roommate who has an approved emotional support animal.Please indicate if you have any animal-related allergies that significantly impact your living environment. (Optional)Roommate Request To request a roommate, list your roommate preference below. Your roommate must also list your name on their housing preference form. All roommate requests MUST be submitted by June 15 for fall placements (January 1 for spring placements) and via a housing request form (not to an admissions counselor, coach or over the phone to the Residential Education office) to be considered. Roommate requests take priority over building preference.Roommate’s name (Optional)Americans with Disabilities Act If you have a medical condition (physical and/or mental) that may require a housing accommodation, please contact Michael Cruce, Director of Student Accessibility, at mcruce@maoqijie.com prior to June 1 for initial consideration in fall housing placement (December 15 for spring placement).Please select this box if you plan to apply for a housing accommodationUpdating Your Housing Information At any point before housing placement you need to update or change this information (such as changing or adding a roommate’s name), please submit a new Housing Request Form. We will use the most recent form when placing students.I understand that I need to submit a new Housing Request Form each time I need to update or change my housing information before January 1.I understand that I need to submit a new Housing Request Form each time I need to update or change my housing information before June 15.Submit